President of the United States: Sarah Palin
Vice President of the United States: David Petraeus
Department of State: Liz Cheney
Department of the Treasury: Mitt Romney
Department of Defense: Robert Gates
Department of Justice: Chris Cristie
Department of the Interior: Bobby Jindal
Department of Agriculture: Charles Grassly
Department of Commerce: Mike Huckabee
Department of Labor: Tim Pawlenty
Department of Health and Human Services: Rand Paul
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Eric Cantor
Department of Transportation: Bob Mcdonnell
Department of Energy: Don Young
Department of Education: Jeb Bush
Department of Veterans Affairs: Scott Brown
Department of Homeland Security: Rudy Giuliani
White House Chief of Staff: Newt Gingrich
Environmental Protection Agency: Lisa Murkouski
Office of Management & Budget: Jim DeMint
United States Trade Representative: Michelle Bachman
United States Ambassador to the United Nations: John Bolton
Council of Economic Advisers: Ron Paul
The FHQ+ Electoral College Projection (10/30/24)
2 months ago
No actively serving Congress critter should leave their seat to join the cabinet. Period.